My Story

Born in Kansas, Tracy L. Moore has been writing since the age of eight when she lived with her maternal grandmother for 7 years in Liberia, West Africa (1967 – 1974).

Ms. Moore is a student of the human condition, wielding the written craft to enrapture the mind much like an artist wields a brush. The pages are a blank canvas on which to draw from a talent heralded by many and matched only by an imagination that rises to the task.

Her works include the self-published novel Midnight Blue (2007), as well as a collection of poems and other reflections in her book titled Songs in the Night (1995). She has many other poems, plays, and books not yet published.

For more information on her novel Midnight Blue, please go to   

Ms. Moore earned both her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the University of Miami, and earned her Associate in Applied Science degree with honors from New York City College of Technology. She is a Poet and Motivational Speaker with a passion for empowering today’s youth. She is a voice for the voiceless on issues such as child abuse, rape, teen runaways, and domestic violence, of which she is a Survivor.

Ms. Moore attributes her triumph over the many obstacles in her life to her faith in Jesus Christ.      


Author of the fictional crime drama and romance narrative: “Midnight Blue”. Tracy is also known for her collection of poems and inspirational reflections published under “Songs in the Night”.

Inspirational Speaker

My mission is to inspire others with my writing and to teach others how to creatively organize and improve their lives in spite of obstacles.

Creative Mentor

Whatever the dream or talent, there are no shortcuts to achieving your goals. Honesty, integrity and a commitment to excellence are the stepping stones to successful living.

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