Consider the Ant

Consider the Ant!


God made us to work. He created us with #purpose#AskGod

I will say it again: God created us to work, with a purpose and plan specifically designed for you to fulfil. If you do not know, it is never too late to seek guidance. So, go ahead and ask God.

Prepare when God says to prepare. #savings#hurricaneseason#prepareforfamine#prepareforhardtimes

Early this morning at around 3:33 am, I awoke from a dream with the words consider the ant resounding in my ears.

About 4 hours later as I walked to my car to go to work, I was captivated by a sight on the ground.

I noticed a trail of ants, in two parallel lines moving in opposite directions. There were thousands of them; the first line – each ant was carrying a white crumb of food towards their nest while those in the second line moved in the opposite direction back to the source of food. They did this repeatedly.

The ants were gathering and saving food diligently, travelling from one end of the parking lot to the other. Can you imagine what that must be in “ant miles”?

Regardless of the distance or any obstacles – people stepping on them or cars rolling over them – they were working together as a team.

That is #wisdom

Proverbs 6:6-8, King James Version

6 Go to the ant, thou sluggard; #consider her ways, and be wise:

7 Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler,

8 Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest.

As I watched the ants, being careful to not carelessly step on them, they inspired me, motivating me to a course of action.

I have never been a lazy person, nor one to procrastinate.

But by watching the ants, I am even more determined to be just as industrious, relentlessly, doggedly, tenaciously, persistently!

Message received Lord, loud and clear!

Consider the ants. Got it!

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