Kisses – July 15, 2017


Amazing kisses from Abba, Creator of every good and perfect gift – special!

Oh, how the Father loves you and me, especially prodigals, which I have been in my lifetime.

ABBA looks daily for each of us to return, He comes searching and looking for us while we are afar off.

HE runs to us with His love and compassion and hugs us and kisses us while we are yet in our dirty rags.

Wow. How He loves you and me!

Can you visualize the KING of kings, in His Royal Garments, searching the horizon daily, looking for your return? Days turned to weeks, turned to months, tuned to years. Then one day, as He gazes at the horizon, He sees a forlorn figure, head hung down, shoulders stooped, walking wearily, in ragged rags.

Abba Father immediately recognizes His Child in the distance. How He had longed for this day. Oh, My Son, My Daughter!

Luke 15:20 King James Version

And he arose and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his FATHER saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and KISSED him.

Imagine this – Your Daddy with arms wide open. As Father, not as King, HE runs to you… His Unconditional Love can be felt across the miles, welcoming you home!

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