Surround Yourself

I saw a post today on LinkedIn that read “Surround yourself with people who talk about visions and ideas, not people.” Underneath those words was an image which read, “Surround yourself with people who make you hungry for life, touch your heart and nourish your soul.” – Unknown

To that post, I added my own thoughts that were generated when one person’s comment caught my attention. He wrote: “Very very difficult to find.”

I wrote:

#surroundyourselfwithgoodpeople – Just remember, it’s not about the quantity but the quality, the #addedvalue#ironsharpensiron. As long as you stay focused on that, you will never be disappointed or distracted from accomplishing your #GoalsAndDreams

Story has been told of a baby born in Bethlehem, in a solitary, unobtrusive place, in a stable, not a palace – yet His Star led kings and shepherds and angels to herald His Birth.

At the age of 12 he was found in the temple asking AND answering questions of the religious leaders and lawyers of his day. He later began His public ministry with a few men and women.

Today, His impact is still being felt around the globe, the rippling effects of a humble life!

#fearnot – each of us is destined for #greatness even if it is to an #audience of one.

Finally, I saw another comment which stated: “I would love to, any idea where I can find them?” My response under his comment to hopefully encourage him was: Your find begins with you!

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